Permanently Exhausted Pigeons


TD;DC (too drunk, don’t care)

We’re not early birds or night owls, we’re some kind of permanently exhausted pigeons. We play games, drink, laugh, post memes, rage, drink again, cry a little, and sometimes crash the server.


About Us

“We are a small but dedicated group of social gamers…”

Fuck that nonsense. We’re middle aged+ adults with jobs, responsibilities, and bills. We are permanently exhausted (and drunk). Somewhere in there, we try to find time to play video games. We don’t have time for that über l33t top 500 raid boss smokin’ bullshit (not that it wouldn’t be cool). Rather, at the end of long days, and sometimes on the weekend – we spend our time poking mindlessly at games while trying to reclaim energy, sobriety, and hope to face the coming Monday.

Are you also a middle-aged adult despairing at your responsibilities, who likes to play video games? (Non-alchoholics need not apply.*) Then feel free to join us.

‘*’ Disclaimer, we say some wild things. If you enjoy the written copy and match or do not match specific blatantly hilarious criteria feel free to join. We are just pigeons saying outrageous things on the internet.